The Real FRESEUM is YU
For and in the Lives of the Real People, those who live in REALITY and who are True, Real, and Purely Free.
FRESEUM is the REAL FRESEUM that you are. FRESEUM is EVERYWHERE. OUR FRESEUM PROJECTS include the Gateway to Eden in North Florida and those we have founded along with the NU-U and the Environmental Wake Up Call as well as our Great Southern MuseUUM (on FB Google Yahoo and Jennings)
The Freseum is simply a project FREEDOM MUSEUUM. Are you feeling the Malaise or Kontrol on Yu and US or the RealFreedom, TruReality, and the Great LUV? Are the Illusions of life, the heavy sets of dark denizen Society, stuck at home with nothing but the TV. Have you been disenfranchised by government, finance, religion, NMA or MDA, or some other IDEAology of hope/faith, science, patriotism, or the "outer space"?
None of that is Really Real, except as we allow it to be. Yu are the Freseum, and the Freseum is everywhere. That is, your in the freseum as yourself, andcreate or make it as you go. This is the adventure into the real side, which is in the now, ever becoming, ever being and ever’en’ever. This is a doorway to the real FreseuUM, that really exists.
The Freseum is SET UP Today where you can share, say, be and know, where you can live and LUV, as you will. Let the Freseum community be Yours, for you are in it, always with the ALLIS. Let not the Kontrollers who would use US with money, power, will, shame and guilt and control while LET IN UP OUT and BE the "ALLIS" that YU R, and so living still, can and will be En'ever IN your Tru Freseum
We may say "the Real Freedom IS", AND IT IS all we have. Nothing else really exists. BUT REAL FREEDOM MAY or MAY NOT LIVE TODAY.
This is ALL really our choice. But this is obviated or obfuscated by our attitude and viewpoint, which has been mostly negatively focused, controlled and modified by behaviorial or cultural learning. The vehicles for this are usually and normally religion, government, and politic, money, sex, race, and physical conditions, the survival context. It is also the mental and psychic programming, which envelopes us in the natural environment or our personal reality, relative to all else. Some say it is the Devil, and yes, there is even something to that. But how this all is is up to us, and so we ask, do we see freely or through the glass darkly?
It is possible to see very clearly, without our mind or by conditioned emotion or thought. There is a deeper freedom we seek, which goes beyond these, and also into our physical life, as we act, live, or be in that Freedom. This is being Real and Fresponsibility to the Truly Responsible but also TrULY being in and Living in Real Freedom. The Freseum is but a vehicle for this freedom, a bridge really across from Here to the Real. It is like a rainbow of light that is an arch across all worlds. The Presentation is only our joy filled passage of the Real Freedom, that the Freedom MuseUUm represents or designations. It allows a recognition, the all important awareness.
hOW TO BE fREE? the FRESEUM object is to support realFreedom, your way, the real way, the One way that IT IS. FRESEUM is at freeseum blogspot and