Monday, September 12, 2022
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Monday, January 3, 2022
NU'DE BEACH Blue Pott Springs Floriva BEAUTIFUL
Jan 3 STAR DATE Galactic Center g 8°59'10" SOLUNAR SAGITTARIUS sunset CAPRICORN DOLPHIN MOON CAPRICORN EVE star ALTAIR ENTERS AQUARIUS GALACTIC 10 aquarius DAY OF THE EAGLE SOULAR UNIVERSAL 9 LEO SOLAR CAT WHAT IS A PANEAGLE? And how we can build a NU URTH IN THE REAL UNIVERSIS This article covers the SEER foundation FUN’DER and PRESCIENT OF NU AMER PaneagleNow its 2022. The ISTORY OF MAN has covered the 2000 yearChristian Era, the PI-SEAS age and the former Sumerian and Babylonian, and Atlantean and Melniboran and Lemurian WORLD Realms These were all part of the OLD AEGIS of ZEUS, which created he-we-they human-US space god worship and evolution to genocide ALIENATION warship of the genome coded Reptilian Human Hybrid and Manipulation of the natural environment and the so-called modern Civilizations in the 3 DIMESIONAL and space time material world I am most of us was born in this 3D Realm in many lifetimes of these world culture simulations of reality co-dependent on the same MATERIAL MODEL of One Lifetime one world One body consciousness And unaware of the simulated control matrix and hypno-gogic mentaland emotional body or subconscious conditioning continually supported by thedark lord rats brat pack of Reptilian human dominationIt was this REAL AWARENESS now fully A-Z-AWARE of theUnconsciousness and the full 5D fifth dimensional SOLARITY which is our trueNUMANITY in the Real NU-URTH realm of the Real UNIVERSISThe true NUMAN BEINGS are those willingly AWARE and trulyRECOGNIZING the five bodies and the REAL SOLAR-IS, theISNISS of ALL IS Thus the entirety real NU NatUre in the real NaturalEnvironment is a simulated relation to the NUNIVERSIS which each of usdiscovers the ISNISS we are We can say this is becoming a STAR, a true SUN light is a SOLAR BEING to Shine like the SUN.This is a metaphor like ALL Met-a-for Ideas and as such did also build the FREESEUM, GARDEDEN and SOLARIUM here IS the FLORIVA BLUE POTT SPRINGS and the HEYPANEAGLESONG Treasure Tree and the WILDSTOCK concert of the GreatSOUTHERN FREESEUM In a real way a GOLDEN WISDOM TEMPLE or a house of there is the One and the TRUREALITY LIFE IS And IN AS OF IT IS ON here the exemplar original, such that the NU AEGIS (GE-SIS) Genesis of the Resurrection Realution and Revealation as the EXEGIS Pan ON building and recognizing the real EN’EVERLAND which is no space time material manifestation of the MEET-A-FOR present what has always happened to man in idol worship AS iconic creation which is not TRU REALITY but a marketing education businessreligion government devotion control agendaThis in all art building theatre and current MEDIA MADNESSand DIS-nest claims of Fantasy land fun park and the constant advertising modum of WEB NET fake book and Sucker-Borg technologyWith this in mind, we know the FLORIVA POTT FRESEUM is a sanctuaryor just another Indian Reservation of uncommon relation for the homeless andlost tribes of SOUL HUMANITY we know as IGINAL PEOPLEThe original Americans are one, as Ameriginals, but alsoincludes all peoples now living in this IS-LAND OF AMER, which is from Mexicoto Canada as the 5th root race and ContinentThere are four other continents (continuity settlements) which spring from the original 4 root races, those of Aboriginals, Indiginals, the Afriginals, and Euriginals also of the IS-LAND of EU AF IN and AUS (ABOR and AUSTRiginals) thus covering AUSTRALIA and thePACIFIC, the INDONESIA and ASIAN (Asiaginals) All of us a HOST-AGE of a model to build a trueNU (NATIONS UNITED) as a template for recovering the real NU Naturalenvironment (TAU) and the REAL NURTH UNITED in a whole GAIA of the UNIVERS-IS There are as it stands now only a very small number whorecognize this constituency, the WWWE world wide educators of the NU U U and NUUNIVERSITIS presentationAnd yet this is not a formal organization, or a human socialcultural environmental institution or some public or private government religionbusiness marketing ployThe hey paneaglesong did find out about this NU WAY of the NU U in 2010, at the dawn of the current cycle of the Gemma Diamond (Libra astrological) to share becoming aware and sharing prenaturally the PANDEMIC COVIDITY and Unnaturalism of the ALIENATION project known as the 2030 AGENDA This is not our human destiny, to become android ROBOTicismALIENationsor AI controlled planet or some space time warship planet colonization for an expanding population or an ALIEN RACE To Because the NU URTH is a TRU REALITY and it exists without limits borders or extension from the Earth or solar system universe, except it may be included in them TO see the entire real VU is in-versed or by verse (virtualrecognition) of the Nature that is of the TRU D’ESTINY of TRU REALITY life is impossible for most to even comprehend this ONE URTH spoken by IMAGINE Lennon (LEAN-ON) a disciple of the ONE NAM no heaven no hell being of peace Written HEY PANEAGLESONG 1-3-22 for the STAR DATE SOLARIS SHOW
STAR DATE Jan 3 2022 Rainbow over Solaris home paneagle
RAINBOW OVER OUR HOME star date JAN 3 2022 THE STAR GPS system and SOLARIS-GPS In coordinating time space coordinates, we can use the position of latitude and longitude and summary diagonal degrees Using the equator and the dateline or GMT Greenwich mean time as position, where 0 aries / 0 aries is at 00 latitude and 00 longitude We can use the directions of north from equator and west from Greenwich, (present time references) although these can be reversed or inversed south and east (past life references) The degrees zones are primarily 0 and 30, as is natural degrees, but we can also do 5, 10, 15, and also 3, 12, or 60 degree zones Primarily the secondary degree zones are the 10 degree west, as key sign points 360 degrees of longitude, and the 5 degree north/south. These provide key sign points to 90 degrees latitude The SOLARIS STAR-GPS is the sum total of longitude and latitude as sign degrees, thus the diagonal line global zones is derified The world 30 degree longitude SOLARIS ZONES are as such ARIES AFRICA PRIME THROUGH MIDDLE EAST, TAURUS ENGLAND EUROPE, GEMINI SOUTH AMERICA, CANCER EASTERN USA, LEO is central USA and MEXICO WEST, VIRGO IS NEW ZEALAND AND CALIFORNIA TO BRITISH COLUMBIA, LIBRA is the PACIFIC AND HAWAII, SCORPIO IS AUSTRALIA WEST AND BORNEO, SAGITTARIUS IS JAPAN TO INDONESIA, CAPRICORN IS CHINA, INDIA IS AQUARIUS AND PISCES IS IRAN PERSIA AND ETHIOPIA TO SOUTH AFRICA The 10 degree latitude zones and earth as well as STAR relations ARIES north of equator, Africa, and Venezuela, north south America, south china sea Singapore the STAR Perseus Taurus is 10 to 20 north, Caribbean and the CAMEL-LEOPARD Mojave Desert Mexico and North Africa southern india Gemini is 20 to 30 north, the Hawaii and Asia, the most populated zone, northern india, china south, Pleiades and the STARS CAPELLA ORION Cancer 30 to 40 north is southern USA, Mediterranean, north India, north China, the other most populated zone, including dog star SIRIUS Leo 40 to 50 is Europe and Mongolia, Japan Korea, where CAPELLA PASSES each day land of the great BEAR, big dipper Virgo 50 to 60 is Canada Alaska and Iceland Russia, the BOOTES and ARCTURUS Pisces to 10 degree south is ARCHENAR, INDONESIA south china sea and SIRIUS passes overhead each day, pacific ISLANDS Aquarius is 10 to 20 south, North Australia DESERT madagasgar Zambia Africa south and the Pacific greater Capricorn is 20 to 30 south running through AUSTRALIA central desert Sagittarius is 30 to 40 south is TASMANIA and SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA
Saturday, January 1, 2022
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